Saturday, 28 February 2009

Fuckin Gutted

hey guyss sorry i ain posted for a while...
but i gorra reason.

on monday evening my form tutor rung my house. yes my house.
she told my mother that she was worried that i was becoming ana again. cuz she noticed at lunch time i sat in the canteen with only water.
so my mother came on to me...
how could you be doing this again! your putting us all through hell!
all that shit.
like she even gives a toss about me anyway.
so she took my laptop off me until i ate. and to make sure i did she picked me up every lunchtime to have food and stay in everynight so that i could have a sit down meal.
whaatta fuckin load of shit.
thank god the food wasnt that fattenin.
i dont no how much ive put on...but i can tell ill be crying when i step on those scales.
all through the week i put up a fight...
im not anorexic again! crocodile tears the lot.
so yesterday, i think she believed me. an gave me my laptop back and isnt taking me home for food anymore. thank fuck. but she also said shes keepin an eye on me.
i absolutely HATE my stupid fuckin nosey ass teacher.
from now on im avoiding her at all costs.

i ain givin up on ana...ever.
so they can all go & fuck themselves :)

hope your goood :)



  1. That's horrifying. People just need to mind their own fucking business.

    I'm so sorry.

  2. Geez your mother is so selfish. Not "Oh you are hurting yourself" but "Oh you are hurting US!". Whatever. Hope things straighten out soon.

  3. i see a lot of people in the canteen with just water, whats the big deal?! ur tutor should really just mind her own business..
